A gRNA design software for base editing knockout using stop codon.
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CRISPR-BETS (CRISPR-Base Editing To Stop codon) is developed for designing gRNA to knockout gene by CRISPR base editing system. CRISPR-BETS has both online and desktop version, which are integrated into a user-friendly graphic user interface (GUI) and compatible with major operating systems (Windows, MacOS, Linux). Guide RNAs can be designed easily without any environment installation. Users can complete the analysis with a simple mouse click. Results will display with detailed information and fancy images, which are able to be downloaded. Moreover, CRISPR-BETS allows instant check the gRNA specificity.
Wu YC†, He Y†, Sretenovic S, Liu SS, Cheng YH, Han YS, Liu GQ, Bao Y, Fang Q, Zheng XL, Zhou JP, Qi YP*, Zhang Y*, Zhang T*. CRISPR-BETS: A base editing design tool for generating stop codons. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2022, 20(3):499-510
Han YS†, Liu GQ†, Wu YC, Bao Y, Zhang Y*, Zhang T*.CrisprStitch: Fast evaluation of the efficiency of CRISPR editing systems. Plant Communications DOI: